Online 3D visualization of height reference systems


Mirko Reguzzoni (mail)

Area di ricerca

Web, multimedia e database

Keyword (max 3 separate da virgola)

Geoid, Height datum, Web-service

Descrizione (max 500 caratteri)

The goal is to write an online interactive webpage or tool to produce a 3D visualization of the following height reference systems: ellipsoid (used by GPS), geoid (used for heights above the sea level) and topography (used when referring to the terrain). The geoid models are selected from the ISG repository and the resulting visualization has to be integrated into the ISG website ( The topography is taken from the global SRTM model, downloading and merging the tiles for the required area. The tool has to be developed in Python language through the Django framework.

GPS data logger and parser


Mirko Reguzzoni (mail)

Area di ricerca

Architetture dei sistemi di elaborazione

Keyword (max 3 separate da virgola)

GPS, real-time acquisition, data parsing

Descrizione (max 500 caratteri)

The goal is to write a tool to real-time log the binary data stream provided by a GPS receiver, as well as parse this stream by converting it into standard data formats. The tool should manage one or more EVK8 u-blox receivers (available for testing), each of them connected to a COM port. The tool should log the binary stream and decrypt it to produce two ASCII files in RINEX and NMEA formats, containing the positioning information. A synchronization file linking GPS and computer time-stamps has to be written too.  The tool should be developed in Python, c or c++ languages.

Image rectification for drone photogrammetry


Mirko Reguzzoni (mail)

Area di ricerca

Intelligenza artificiale, robotica e computer vision, Geoinformatica

Keyword (max 3 separate da virgola)

Photogrammetry, Least-squares, Digital-images

Descrizione (max 500 caratteri)

The goal is to write a software for the photo rectification to be applied when the acquired photo is referred to a planar surface. The software should offer the possibility of selecting double points, linking the photo coordinates with the object ones, in case applying a suitable roto-translation. After computing the homography parameters by least-squares adjustment, the transformation should be applied to all the photo pixels, implementing a proper resampling procedure (for example nearest neighbour or bilinear interpolation). The algorithm can be tested on drone images.

Online computation of transnational geoid models


Mirko Reguzzoni (mail)

Area di ricerca

Web, multimedia e database

Keyword (max 3 separate da virgola)

Geoid, Data combination, Web-service

Descrizione (max 500 caratteri)

The goal is to write an online tool to merge geoid models at national borders. This is an important service for transnational applications and it would be integrated into the ISG website ( The software has to read two or more national models involved in the combination from the existing ISG database, remove a global model ( to all of them to setup the long wavelengths and, finally, merge the geoid residuals by suitable interpolation techniques. The tool has to be developed in Python language through the Django framework.

An online tool to extract geoid models for GPS and GIS applications


Mirko Reguzzoni (mail)

Area di ricerca

Web, multimedia e database

Keyword (max 3 separate da virgola)

Geoid, GPS/GNSS, Web-service

Descrizione (max 500 caratteri)

The goal is to write an online tool to select a data subset from an existing local, regional or continental geoid model that is stored in the ISG service, namely the largest database of geoid models of the world ( The selection should be performed through a graphical user interface and it could imply a data resampling by interpolation techniques. Finally, some file format conversions could be required to import the geoid models into commercial GPS receivers or GIS software. The tool has to be developed in Python language by means of the Django framework.

Global vs. Local Geoid Modelling


Mirko Reguzzoni (mail)

Area di ricerca

Web, multimedia e database

Keyword (max 3 separate da virgola)

Geoid, Web-service, Statistics

Descrizione (max 500 caratteri)

The goal is to write an online tool to compare local geoid models with global ones. The former are given as geographical grids and are provided by ISG (, while the latter are given as truncated spherical harmonic expansions and are provided by ICGEM ( The software has to read the global model coefficients, performed the spherical harmonic synthesis at the grid knots where the local model is defined and, finally, performed a comparison providing some statistics. The Python tool has to be developed in the Django framework.

Least squares adjustment of 3D surveying networks


Mirko Reguzzoni (mail)

Referente del progetto

Lorenzo Rossi ( mail)

Area di ricerca

Metodologie e architetture software avanzate

Keyword (max 3 separate da virgola)

Leat-squares, Surveying

Descrizione (max 500 caratteri)

The goal is to develop a software for geodetic network adjustment (total station, level and GNSS receiver data). The software needs an interface to load, visualise and manage the observations and the results of the linear / non-linear least squares adjustment. Required geoid corrections have to be predicted from a geoid model. Vectorial (shp or dxf) and tabular (txt) formats are required for the output.

Online tools for geoid manipulation


Mirko Reguzzoni (mail)

Area di ricerca

Web, multimedia e database

Keyword (max 3 separate da virgola)

Geoid, Web-service, Height-conversion

Descrizione (max 500 caratteri)

The goal is to write an online computation service to perform operations on the largest database of geoid regional models of the world. The main application is to convert ellipsoidal into orthometric heights, commonly called heights above the sea level. The software has to read the input coordinates from the users, select a proper geoid model and convert them. Moreover, it has to perform comparisons between regional models and global ones. Finally, some file format conversions could be required to import the geoid models into commercial GPS/GNSS or GIS software.

Earth crustal thickness from gravimetric inversion by Wiener filtering


Mirko Reguzzoni (mail)

Area di ricerca

Metodologie e architetture software avanzate

Keyword (max 3 separate da virgola)

Gravimetric-inversion, Wiener-filter, Satellite-data

Descrizione (max 500 caratteri)

The goal is to write a software that is able to model the discontinuity surface between Earth crust and mantle from satellite gravimetric observations. This surface is called Moho. It is required to read the gravity data from an online service (, to strip the data under the assumption of a two-layer model and finally to solve the inverse gravimetric problem through an iterative Wiener filter procedure in planar approximation. The output surface has to be properly visualized, together with the error estimates.

Least squares bundle block adjustment for photogrammetric problems


Mirko Reguzzoni (mail)

Area di ricerca

Intelligenza artificiale, robotica e computer vision

Keyword (max 3 separate da virgola)

Photogrammetry, Least-squares, Digital-images

Descrizione (max 500 caratteri)

The goal is to write a software that is able to read two or more digital images and, by using photogrammetric techniques, compute their orientation and, if possible, the corresponding 3D dense cloud of points. Double points between couples of images can be acquired as additional input from an external software or manually selected on the images through a visual interface. The core of the algorithm is a non-linear least-squares adjustment based on collinearity equations. The algorithm can be tested on drone images.