Positioning of mobile devices


Biagi Ludovico (mail)

Area di ricerca


Keyword (max 3 separate da virgola)

INS, GNSS, Kalman

Tecnologie da utilizzare

Language: python
Development environment: Anaconda

Descrizione (max 500 caratteri)

Modern smartphones acquire data from Inertial Navigation Systems and GNSS satellites: these data are hybridized and used to estimate positions and, typically, plots on webmaps. Several Android applications are also habilitated to output the raw data in specific formats. The student will implement SW to download data from smartphones, to graphically analyze them and to filter them by Kalman filtering. The SW will be tested on real data. Existing libraries for postprocessing the data will be analyzed and assessed.

Online computation of transnational geoid models


Mirko Reguzzoni (mail)

Area di ricerca

Web, multimedia e database

Keyword (max 3 separate da virgola)

Geoid, Data combination, Web-service

Descrizione (max 500 caratteri)

The goal is to write an online tool to merge geoid models at national borders. This is an important service for transnational applications and it would be integrated into the ISG website (https://www.isgeoid.polimi.it). The software has to read two or more national models involved in the combination from the existing ISG database, remove a global model (http://icgem.gfz-potsdam.de) to all of them to setup the long wavelengths and, finally, merge the geoid residuals by suitable interpolation techniques. The tool has to be developed in Python language through the Django framework.

An online tool to extract geoid models for GPS and GIS applications


Mirko Reguzzoni (mail)

Area di ricerca

Web, multimedia e database

Keyword (max 3 separate da virgola)

Geoid, GPS/GNSS, Web-service

Descrizione (max 500 caratteri)

The goal is to write an online tool to select a data subset from an existing local, regional or continental geoid model that is stored in the ISG service, namely the largest database of geoid models of the world (https://www.isgeoid.polimi.it). The selection should be performed through a graphical user interface and it could imply a data resampling by interpolation techniques. Finally, some file format conversions could be required to import the geoid models into commercial GPS receivers or GIS software. The tool has to be developed in Python language by means of the Django framework.

Global vs. Local Geoid Modelling


Mirko Reguzzoni (mail)

Area di ricerca

Web, multimedia e database

Keyword (max 3 separate da virgola)

Geoid, Web-service, Statistics

Descrizione (max 500 caratteri)

The goal is to write an online tool to compare local geoid models with global ones. The former are given as geographical grids and are provided by ISG (https://www.isgeoid.polimi.it), while the latter are given as truncated spherical harmonic expansions and are provided by ICGEM (http://icgem.gfz-potsdam.de). The software has to read the global model coefficients, performed the spherical harmonic synthesis at the grid knots where the local model is defined and, finally, performed a comparison providing some statistics. The Python tool has to be developed in the Django framework.

Semi-automatic fitting of covariance functions in 1D and 2D


Giovanna Venuti (mail)

Referente del progetto

Mirko Reguzzoni ( mail)

Area di ricerca

Metodologie e architetture software avanzate

Keyword (max 3 separate da virgola)

Covariance-functions, Least-squares, Stochastic-modeling

Descrizione (max 500 caratteri)

The goal is to write a graphical user interface that supports the covariance modelling in 1D and 2D (in both planar and spherical domain) for stochastic interpolation methods. The software has to read the available data, compute the empirical covariance function, show a set of possible positive definite models and, for each of them, allow the manual setting of their parameters. When changing these parameters the corresponding covariance function has to be visualized and, when the user is satisfied by the manual fitting, an automatic least-squares adjustment has to be performed.

GNSS point positioning


Ludovico Biagi (mail)

Area di ricerca


Keyword (max 3 separate da virgola)

GNSS, positioning

Descrizione (max 500 caratteri)

Implementation of python Libraries to perform standard kinematic point positioning by reading GNSS RINEX files of observations and ephemerides

GNSS point positioning


Ludovico Biagi (mail)

Area di ricerca


Keyword (max 3 separate da virgola)

GNSS, positioning

Descrizione (max 500 caratteri)

Implementation of python Libraries to perform standard kinematic point positioning by reading GNSS RINEX files of observations and ephemerides