Radio-Meteorological Mapping: Geospatial Transformation of Coordinate Data into Polygonal Contours with Python and QGIS


Maria Antonia Brovelli (web, mail)

Area di ricerca


Keyword (max 3 separate da virgola)

Mapping, GeoServer

Termine per accettazione progetto


Tecnologie da utilizzare

Languages: Python
Suggested SW: QGIS
Tools: GeoServer

Descrizione (max 500 caratteri)

The input dataset comprises a set of flat files extracted from the ApIDWM, with each folder representing a distinct map and containing two separate text files. The initial text file contains latitude and longitude information for each contour, segmented by an index value. The second text file encompasses the corresponding values linked to each index. The primary aim of this project is to transform the coordinate data within the flat files into polygonal contours. Additionally, the assignment of values to each contour is based on the relevant index number. The execution of these tasks involves the application of the Python programming language, while subsequent processing and visualization steps make use of QGIS. Finally, the completed maps, both vector and raster, will be uploaded to the GeoServer

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